Combat level (2024)

Combat level (1)
This article has a calculator here.

Calculators determine experience and costs based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.

Combat level (2)

A player's, monster's, or non-player character's combat level indicates the difficulty in defeating them in combat. For some bosses and most monsters it is reflective of their actual stats as well.

Normally, aggressive non-player characters stop attacking you when you reach higher than double their combat level. There are exceptions, however - for example, almost any monsters, except for Rats, in the Wilderness will be aggressive no matter what your combat level is.

By default, monsters with a higher combat level than a player cannot be attacked by using a left mouse click, requiring a right click to select the attack monster option. So, to be able to attack a Blue dragon with combat level 111 with a simple left click, a player would need a combat level of at least 111. However, this behaviour can be changed in the controls section of the Settings tab by changing the "NPC 'Attack' Options" setting.

All new players start out at combat level 3, and the maximum level for players in Old School RuneScape is level 126. Players will receive a combat level-up notification upon reaching a new combat level. This can be disabled in the game settings.


  • 1 Combat level requirements
  • 2 Calculating combat level
    • 2.1 Simply
    • 2.2 Mathematics
      • 2.2.1 Combined formulae
    • 2.3 Wiki combat calculator
    • 2.4 Colours
  • 3 Exceptions
  • 4 Changes
  • 5 Trivia

Combat level requirements[edit | edit source]

Slayer masters, by default, have a combat level requirement to get certain Slayer tasks from them. Players can get more difficult tasks by asking the Slayer master to ignore combat level, though this does not bypass the minimum combat requirement to get a task from that master.

See Also
Mossy key

Calculating combat level[edit | edit source]

Simply[edit | edit source]

  1. Take your Prayer level and divide it by two and round down (for example, if your Prayer level is 43, dividing by two and rounding down gives you 21)
  2. Add this to your Hitpoints and Defence levels and divide the result by 4. This is your base combat level. (For example, if your Hitpoints is 60, Defence is 70 and prayer is 43 you should end up with 37.75)
  3. Add your Strength and Attack levels together and multiply by 0.325. Add this to your base combat level and you should have your melee combat level.
  4. If your Magic or Ranged level is exceptionally higher than your Attack and Strength, carry on - in the calculation noted below Magic is used, but if your Ranged is exceptionally higher, use that instead in all cases
  5. Divide your Magic level by 2 and round down, and then add your Magic level again to this (for example, if your Magic level is 83, you should end up with 124)
  6. Multiply this by 0.325 and add the result to your base combat level calculated above, and you should have your magic combat level.

Mathematics[edit | edit source]


Combined formulae[edit | edit source]

Melee Combat Level=Base + Melee=14×(Defence+Hitpoints+Prayer×12)+1340×(Attack+Strength)Ranged Combat Level=Base + Range=14×(Defence+Hitpoints+Prayer×12)+1340×Ranged×32Magic Combat Level=Base + Mage=14×(Defence+Hitpoints+Prayer×12)+1340×Magic×32

Wiki combat calculator[edit | edit source]

This calculator can be used to experiment how combat skills affect combat level.

 template = Calculator:Combat level/Template form = combatCalcForm result = combatCalcResult param = playername|Player name||hs|attack,1,1;strength,3,1;ranged,5,1;magic,7,1;defence,2,1;hitpoints,4,1;prayer,6,1 param = attack|Attack|1|int|1-99 param = strength|Strength|1|int|1-99 param = ranged|Ranged|1|int|1-99 param = magic|Magic|1|int|1-99 param = defence|Defence|1|int|1-99 param = hitpoints|Hitpoints|10|int|9-99 param = prayer|Prayer|1|int|1-99

Please wait for the form to load. If it does not load, try

  • Refreshing the page
  • Checking that you have JavaScript enabled in your browser
  • Checking your custom JavaScript does not interfere with the calculator script in any way

Colours[edit | edit source]

Combat levels that are different than your own display as a different colour. These colours range from ±10 of your combat level, from shades of green for levels that are slightly lower than the player's to red for levels slightly higher than the player's; 9 distinct colours exist for this purpose.

LevelColourHex Code

Exceptions[edit | edit source]

Some monsters do not have a combat level. These are:

Changes[edit | edit source]


Players will now receive level up notifications when they advance a combat level.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Combat level (2024)


What are the different levels of combat? ›

The three levels of warfare—strategic, operational, and tactical—link tactical actions to achievement of national objectives. There are no finite limits or boundaries between these levels, but they help commanders design and synchronize operations, allocate resources, and assign tasks to the appropriate command.

What does combat level do? ›

A player's, monster's, or non-player character's combat level indicates the difficulty in defeating them in combat. For some bosses and most monsters it is reflective of their actual stats as well. Normally, aggressive non-player characters stop attacking you when you reach higher than double their combat level.

How much prayer level is a combat level? ›

Combat level refers to the level derived from the skills that deal with fighting. There is a formula to calculate combat level. 1 level in Attack, Strength, Hits or Defense is equal to 1/4 of a combat level. 1 level in Magic or Prayer is equivalent to 1/8 of a combat level.

What combat level should I go to end? ›

Leveling Rewards
LevelSpecial Reward
12Access to The End
15Access to The Catacombs - Entrance
20Access to Zealot Bruiser Hideout
22Access to Crimson Isle
2 more rows

What are the 5 domains of combat? ›

According to US military doctrine, there are five warfighting domains: land, maritime, air, space, and cyberspace.

What are the 7 elements of combat? ›

The 7 Functions of Combat, Crucial Building Blocks of Military Operations
  • Movement and Maneuver.
  • Intelligence.
  • Fires.
  • Sustainment.
  • Command and Control.
  • Protection.
  • Information.

How long is combatives level 3? ›

Combatives Train the Trainer – Skill level 3: a 160-hour, four-week course that builds on the skills taught in the previous two courses. It is designed to take the skills that have been until now been stand alone, and integrate them into unit-level training.

What are the three levels of Prayer in spiritual warfare? ›

The three prayer levels are mainly kingly, priestly and prophetic. Many people miss out on the available power of tapping into kingly and prophetic intercession.

Does Slayer increase combat level? ›

Slayer experience is awarded each time the player kills an assigned monster, and is equal to the monster's Hitpoints multiplied by its experience bonus. Many players primarily train Combat by completing Slayer tasks, as Combat experience is still given as normal while fighting Slayer monsters.

What combat level should I use dragon armor? ›

Combat level 16 requirement.

What are combat skills? ›

Combat skills are the skills that control the player character's intrinsic, non-circumstantial, non-talent-based ability to fight. This includes fighting unarmed, with 1 handed and 2 handed weapons, with thrown and ranged weapons, and utilizing additional tactics such as two-weapon fighting, and sneak attacks.

Does range count towards combat level? ›

The combat level of a player takes into account their Attack, Strength, Magic, Ranged, Necromancy, Defence, Constitution, Summoning, and Prayer. Summoning and Prayer are both rounded down after being multiplied by 1/2.

What are the 5 types of combat orders? ›

The five combat orders are Operations Order, Service Support Order, Movement Order, Warning Order, and Fragmentary Order. is a preliminary notice of an order or action, which is to follow. required (if changed from the current OPORD).

What are the four ranges of combat? ›

Handheld weapons range (sticks, swords, handheld spears, knives, clubs, etc.) Striking range (punches, kicks, elbows, knees, headbutts, etc.) Clinching range (overhooks, underhooks, collar ties, lapel grips, sleeve grips, etc.) Ground fighting range (mount, guard, side control, rear mount, etc.)

What are the three types of combat? ›

Hand-to-hand combat

Clinch fighting. Ground fighting.

What are the 4 pillars of combat? ›

James Yeager dedicated his life to instructing individuals on how to defend themselves effectively against potential threats. The core philosophy behind Tactical Response, which he founded, centers on four key principles: Mindset, Tactics, Skill, and Gear.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.